Thứ Năm, 6 tháng 6, 2013

Treatment for itchy eye

Itchy eye is one of the most irritating distractions than other things. If it is left without treatment, more severe problems will arise. Itchy eye will lead to many troubles for people getting it. Early treatment for itchy eye are very critical to address fully the problem.

What trigger itchy eye?

Allergy is one of the primary reasons that can lead to itchy eye. Allergies are often triggered by external environmental substances. Itchy eyes can develop if one often contact with dirt and dust , pollen from plants and flowers, animal dander from cats and dogs, and lastly food and medication.

Common cold is another factor that can lead to itchy eye. Common cold arises in all people of all age groups. It is a virus infection, the common symptoms consist of running nose, sneezing, cough, headache, itchy throat, tiredness, congestion and fever and these symptoms often go together with itchy eyes.

Besides these two main causes, itchy eye may be triggered by pinkeye, dry eyes, blepharitis.

Fast relief for your itchy eye

Naturally soothe itchy eyes is very excellent way. There are two natural supplement are recommended including perilla frutescens extract and butterbur extract.

Artificial tears They are essentially fake tears, if you are suffering from sore eyes due to the lack of moisture in the eye then you may not have enough tears.

Eye Drops There are many types of eye drop in the market for treating itchy eye. You can consider these to see which one is perfect for you, it would be a good idea to get professional advice before you purchase a medical product. Discuss to your doctor or pharmacist who knows what treatment would be best for you.

Vitamins and a Healthy diet Vitamins help keep your eyes healthy, lack of vitamins can result in many health problems.

Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 6, 2013

Sinus infection and eye pain

Sinus infection, which is revealed to affect millions of individuals worldwide, are one of the most widespread medical conditions afflicting individuals in the world. It may also have an effect on the eye health and cause some eye problems such as eye pain, pink eye, eye swelling.

Causes of Sinus Infection

Viral influenza or common cold is one of the most typical triggers of sinus. The blockage of the nasal passage limits passage of air into the sinuses will lead to sinus infection. When sinuses turn into dry, it will be an perfect condition for the growth of bacteria which can cause the sinus infection rapidly.

How does sinus infection threaten on the eyes?

A sinus infection can produce stress in the eyes. When a sinus is infected, it can include the spread of bacteria from the sinuses to the eye, which can trigger conjunction and eye pain. The blockage of the nasolacrimal duct in the nose also can result in tearing of the eye. The eye pain can occur because of referred pain from the ethmoid sinuses situated above and between the eyes. Other pains on cheek and near eyes can also lead to referred eye pain. Sinus infection and eye pain are often go together.

How to avoid sinus infection?

•    Try to keep the nose area moist, if your nose is dry, using washes or saline sprays.

•    Keep balance moist, not too humid or dry.

•    Avoid exposure to common irritants like cigarette smoke and dust.

•    Keep off exposing yourself to fumes that are given off by materials like hairspray, strong perfume or cleaning products.

•    Go to an allergy specialist and have test if you think you are suffering from a sinus infection. Know about your triggers and understanding the disease can help you live normally and comfortably.

•    Reduce your time in the swimming pool are chlorine can dehumidify and irritate the sinus lining.

•    Stop deep sea diving as it forces water from the nasal passages into the sinuses.

Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 5, 2013

Swollen eyelid in kids

These days, vision problems are very common in human. They are much easier to arise in children. They are very active and often contacts with the risk components from environment as well as do not know to protect themselves. The weak immune is also a reason why children are often easy to get illnesses than adult.

One of common eyesight problems that can happen in small children is swollen eyelid. It often triggers by an allergic reaction to allergens including pet dander, pollen or food; an eye infection; or a blocked oil gland in the eyelid. Swollen eyelid in kids are very common however when it become serious, it require to have doctor’s exam.

If the condition is mild, you can try some home treatment to deal with swollen eyelid such as applying cold or warm compress. You can make use of a chilled slice of cucumber or water soaked cold tea bags on the eyelids for 10 to 12 minutes to lessen swelling and help tighten the blood vessels. Another way is using cotton soaked in warm water put on eyelids for 10 to 15 minutes on the swollen eyelid several times a day.

Beside, parent should offer more healthy diets that good for eye health to help child have healthy eye and stronger immune. Everyday recipes should include foods that rich in vitamin A such as carrots and red fruits, dark leafy greens, liver.

Thứ Sáu, 24 tháng 5, 2013

The importance of eye care

Eyes are one of the most sensitive parts of the body and need proper care during our lives. Nevertheless, we just keep in mind to take care of out eyes when we have got vision disorder. There are many typical eye issues that we have to handle such as unclear vision, eye Strain, red eyes and pain. The best way to solve these vision problems are visiting an eye doctor and have a regular eye exam. Try to remember the best eye care tips to practice every day.

Protecting your eye from the risks from environment is also very essential. Most of us understand that we should be wearing sunglasses to guard them when we get out in the sun, but some almost never remember to wear them. For those persons whose occupation is unsafe for their eyes such as welding, it is essential that they wear proper protective gear like welding goggles to keep them safe. People often play sports activities should again use protective devices to protect the eyes from any kind of injury.

Dry eyes and eye strain are two typical vision problems with people working in offices. Today using computers have become an integral part of work and eye problems are common for those who spend major time in front of the computer or smart phone. Certain precautions can go a long way in preventing any kind of eye problems. First of all blink regularly and take short breaks. Try to keep your monitor at least two feet away from your eyes and use anti-glare glasses or have an anti-glare installed on the monitor. If you have dry eye then use lubricating eye drops regularly.

Maintaining your healthy eyes is one of the best way to help prevent the vision disorder. The basic to healthy eyes is of course having a well-balanced diet that is rich in Vitamin A, C and E. This means that we should eat more fruit especiatly yellow and orange fruits. These vitamin are also located in green leafty vegetables and fish oil. Drinking enough water is equally crucial to prevent puffiness around the eyes.

Protect your eye from now. Don’t wait for they have problems or become worse, it may be too late. There are a lot of strategies to retain your eye healthy and always remember protect your sensitive eyes.

For further information about eye care, eye nutrition, contact lenses, eye problems and treatments go to